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Embodying Balance: Through a Wellness Lenses

Writer's picture: INDIGO HealsINDIGO Heals

Written by: Suneil Jeter

Themes: Compassion, Freedom of Choice, Divine Intervention

Helpful Crystals: Chrysocolla (supports feelings of relaxation and aids in clear communication) & Moonstone (helpful in soothing emotional instability & mental hyperactivity)

Affirmations: I have compassion for myself and those around me. I have the freedom to forge the life I choose for myself, so I choose wisely. The boundaries I create with others reflect my self-worth. Make your decision & Take Action with Confidence

In the midst of our daily hustle and bustle, stressors of life, and extensive to-do lists...there’s a slight pause when we get a moment’s rest—the moment we let our shoulders down and fully get to breathe. This month, we are all looking for that moment and more, it looks like each of us working hard in our own respective areas and pivoting to the new circumstances thrown at us, all with grace.

Shifting out of September, which centered on extensive reflection, organization, and scheduling upcoming plans - many of us were in an active state to get the ball rolling on our plans. Understandably so, the hustle and bustle gets shit done, it’s the work that gets seen. Yet, working ourselves senselessly will not get us the results we want any faster, there needs to be some semblance of balance. Therefore, this month's wellness looks like admiring your efforts and adjusting to new challenges and circumstances with grace.

Transparency☕️: After weeks of trying to organize my current teaching schedule, sketch the new collection for our 4th upcoming anniversary, and draft upcoming blogs - I created the most thorough and perfect calendar. Yet, I got sick recently which forced me to slow down and take a few days to care for myself. In my short bit of time off, I physically felt better as I wasn’t trying to tend to a million things and I felt a bit of grace creeping in as I just sat down, and tended to my plants and myself.

Header Image from ‘Ancestor’s Said’: 365 Introspections for Emotional Healing written by Ehime Ora


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